FOR A COPY OF THE BULLETIN, CLICK HERE. FOR A COPY OF THE SERMON, CLICK HERE. ADDRESSING INEQUALITY Luke 19:1-10 For all the years of my ordained ministry, I have taught Elder Training to those elected by the congregation to serve. To begin each session, I ask each person to divide up his or […]
FOR A COPY OF THE BULLETIN, CLICK HERE. FOR A COPY OF THE SERMON, CLICK HERE. THE CHALLENGES OF LIBERATION Luke 6: 17-31 In October 1946, a small Sunday School was started in the unincorporated area of Wilbur By-The-Sea, south of Daytona Beach. This was the humble beginning of Westminster By-The-Sea Presbyterian […]
FOR A COPY OF THE BULLETIN, CLICK HERE. FOR A COPY OF THE SERMON, CLICK HERE. HEAR THE VOICES OF OTHERS Matthew 15: 21-28 When I lived in Richmond, Virginia in my early elementary years, we learned from a book called Virginia’s History and made a day field trip to Jamestown and Williamsburg. Jamestown, we […]
FOR A COPY OF THIS BULLETIN, CLICK HERE. FOR A COPY OF THE SERMON, CLICK HERE. AFFIRM ONE ANOTHER Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7; 21-23; John 4: 7-15 Today and the rest of the Sundays of this month, we will examine texts from the Bible that challenge us to see the diversity and value of […]
For a copy of the bulletin, click here. For a copy of the sermon, click here. PRACTICE JOY IN ALL TIMES Philippians 4: 4-6 Leslie Weatherhead, the great London preacher and author of books like The Will of God and The Christian Agnostic, remembered a day in his childhood when, as he walked with […]
FOR A COPY OF THE BULLETIN, CLICK HERE. FOR A COPY OF THE SERMON, CLICK HERE. REJOICE IN GOD’S MERCY 1 Peter 3: 19-20; Luke 24: 1-12 When Jesus arose from the dead on that very first Easter, no one knew what they were seeing, and no one at the time thought to write […]
FOR A COPY OF THE BULLETIN, CLICK HERE FOR A COPY OF THE SERMON, CLICK HERE. LISTEN TO GOD 1 Samuel 3; 1-10; MARK 1: 35-39 There is a joke about a scientist who is impressed with what he knows and what science has learned. He looks heavenward and says, “God, we can […]
FOR A COPY OF THE BULLETIN, CLICK HERE. FOR A COPY OF THE SERMON, CLICK HERE. FAST Esther 4: 1-3; Acts 13:2–3 In 1981 Henri Nouwen, then a professor at Yale Divinity School, spoke at my Princeton Seminary graduation. Since that time even though he was diminutive in stature, I have decided he […]
FOR A COPY OF THE BULLETIN, CLICK HERE. FOR A COPY OF THE SERMON, CLICK HERE. GIFTS FROM GLEANERS Deuteronomy 24: 14-22; Acts 6: 1-7 On August 14th, 1935, in the midst of the Great Depression, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security bill into law. To some it was a Godsend; to others […]